All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Active School Award

This evening, Miss Goble and Miss Eaton attended an award ceremony at the Stevenage Lamex Stadium.  They had been specially invited as our school had been short-listed for the Active School Award by the team at Stevenage Sporting Futures.  Miss Goble has worked tirelessly this year to introduce more sport into all children’s lives by organising a multitude of events for them to participate in.  This has included: archery, active mats, rugby, balance festival, athletics, rowing, active maths, girls rugby, skipping, fitness circuits as well as increased sport on the playground with the help of Mrs Amani.

We are delighted to let you know that we received the ‘highly commended’ award, with only one other school ahead of us. What an outstanding achievement!  We look forward to continuing to develop this work next year.