All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Cross Country

On Thursday, a team of Year 5 children represented our school at a Stevenage Sporting Futures Cross Country event -  our first sporting event this academic year.  Congratulations to Mason, AK, Lincoln, Alfie, Toby, Rupert, Leela, Leia, Orla, Florence and Maddison who all ran ½ a mile in very wet conditions.  They all did incredibly well and with over 200 runners, a special congratulations goes to Toby who finished in 7th place!

The whole team should be extremely proud of themselves for both putting in 100% effort and representing our school wonderfully.  Out of 16 schools, ours was noticed for 'putting their heart and soul into whatever they did and for not giving up' and the children were presented with the Passion Award!  A massive well done to you all.