All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Sports Day

What a fabulous afternoon we had on Wednesday.  At the third time of trying, we finally got to enjoy our Sports Day.  It was great to see all the children taking part in a flat race and also an activity race and cheering each other on.  It was lovely  to have so many spectators enjoying the event and for the whole occasion to take place in such beautiful weather.   

After a technical hitch with the scoring, the totals were ratified and when the final scores were announced, St David’s were crowned the Sports Day winners.  Well done to St David’s and a special thank you to all the House Captains who helped organise and support their houses on the day.

Many thanks to Mr Pearman for a last minute cut of the grass and line-painting to add a new lane and to Nick Webb and the Rising Stars Team for helping set up and for running the event. A huge thank you also to the PTA for supporting the event and providing refreshments to adults and also an ice-pop to each child. 

It is on days like this that we see the importance of our community and how we are all “Walking together, discovering life”.