Whole School RE Teaching
On Monday we were visited by our School Effectiveness Adviser, who came to evaluate our teaching of religion across the school. I had the privilege of watching lessons from Reception to Year 6 with the focus ranging from “How we can help others”, “How Bible stories relate to my life”, “How does the story of Rama and Sita inspire Hindus to follow their dharma?” and “ Are religion and science conflicting or complementary?”. The calm, purposeful classrooms were a joy to be in and I was wowed by the vocabulary that children were able to use and the thoughtfulness of their responses.
I was also able to look at work in books with children to understand what they have learnt. It was wonderful to hear children talking about what they remember and to see evidence of the work that we have done to try and help children build their long-term memory. It was evident that children are building their knowledge and skills progressively and are relating their learning to themselves and their world.
I received the report this morning and it reminded me of what a wonderful school that we have. It notes that the, “school’s Christian values shine through. These values underpin everything that happens in school.” It talks about how “polite and respectful” the children are and how they “listen carefully to one another and eagerly join in discussions.”
Well done everyone!