All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Woodland Trust Gold Award

This week, we were presented with the Woodland Trust Gold Award for our efforts to enjoy the outdoors and to make our school a better place for us and the wildlife.  In order to achieve the award, we have been involved in activities including: shelter building, tree tracking, creating natural art sculptures, learning about trees from other cultures, developing our planting project and so many other things too.

Lydia Sommerville, who has previously worked with our Year 6 children to help them know more about eco-friendly living, came in to present the award to our Eco Warriors.  Lydia was very impressed with the work that the school is doing and invited the Eco Warriors to visit her eco-house at Burnham Green. 

Many thanks to Miss Eaton for her work in leading the Eco Warrior team and for enabling us to achieve this award.