All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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General links to support for parents

February Half Term Activities


Below are useful links to support for parents:


ADD-vance – where neurodiversity is celebrated and the needs of neuro diverse individuals, and those who care for them, are supported.


Anna Freud– the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families with advice on how to help children and young people with worries and anxiety.


Useful e-Safety Information for Parents


Families First – services in Hertfordshire that work together to support families who need extra help. These are also known as early help services.


Families in Focus – a Hertfordshire-based community interest company, which provides training information and therapeutic and emotional support to parents.


Family Lives – provide targeted early intervention and crisis support to families.


Hertfordshire SEND Local Offer - The Local Offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them.


Neurodiversity Handbook— a link to useful resources, support and signposting on a whole range of things relating to Neurodiversity developed for Hertfordshire parent/carers and professionals.


Neurodiversity Service Directory - signposting to early intervention and more specialist neurodiversity support.


NHS Winter newsletter 2025 - Contact details and important NHS updates


Relationship Support For Parents - When family life is good, children thrive. Find out why relationships in any parenting situation matters so much to children, and how to improve your relationship with your partner or ex-partner. 


School Health Service details, contact information and video


SEND Lending Space - Hertfordshire specialist SEND lending library 


SLEEP – tried and tested strategies to improve night-time.


Space – a charity supporting families of children and young people who are on the Autistic Spectrum (ASD), have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or other neurodiverse conditions.


Stevenage DSPL – a Hertfordshire-wide partnership to ensure that there is a range of provision and support services available in their local community.


Supporting Links – a local Social Enterprise, providing parenting support through courses, workshops and 1:1 mentoring of parents and children throughout Hertfordshire and the surrounding area.


The Toolbox | Autism & ADHD Support For Young People ( - online ADHD and Autism support for children and young people


Zones of regulation and how they work  - Zones of regulation


Young Carers


Young Carers service - Carers In Herts